Put your check books away people, the Kolkata Knight Riders are not for sale according to Shahrukh Khan. Recently sources have said that all Shahrukh Khan wants to do is wash his hands of the team. After losing 5 out of 7 games in South Africa for the IPL, reports began to fly that Shahrukh was in talks with three companies to sell his team. However, King Khan has shut down these accounts and notes, "The amount of love I have invested in it, nobody in this world can afford to buy it."
Nokia, a major sponsor of the Knight riders along with Sahara and the Anil Ambani group were interested in taking the team off of Shahrukh Khan's hands which he paid 300 crore for last year. Shahrukh Khan offered some encouragement on his blog for the Knight Riders: "One lakh people out there have only one prayer in their hearts, god give our kids strength and a bit of luck to beat the shit out of their opponents. God will listen and deliver today, but just to make sure run faster, hit harder and go out destroy the opponent. Let's play this like our first game ever as if we have to prove it to the world that we are good and can hit, then let's play this game like the last game of our lives, because we need to prove it to ourselves...that we can take being hit and get up from the floor."
At the moment Shahrukh Khan has returned to Mumbai to vote in the election. Think he's going back to South Africa to support his team? Nope, according to Khan, he won't be heading back to South Africa unless his team starts winning. I think that might be some encouragement for the Kolkatta Knight Riders. But we want to know what do you think about Shahrukh Khan's latest decision. With the worst record in the IPL, should Shahrukh Khan keep the Kolkota Knight Riders, or should he have sold them, let us know at Desi Hits!
Nokia, a major sponsor of the Knight riders along with Sahara and the Anil Ambani group were interested in taking the team off of Shahrukh Khan's hands which he paid 300 crore for last year. Shahrukh Khan offered some encouragement on his blog for the Knight Riders: "One lakh people out there have only one prayer in their hearts, god give our kids strength and a bit of luck to beat the shit out of their opponents. God will listen and deliver today, but just to make sure run faster, hit harder and go out destroy the opponent. Let's play this like our first game ever as if we have to prove it to the world that we are good and can hit, then let's play this game like the last game of our lives, because we need to prove it to ourselves...that we can take being hit and get up from the floor."
At the moment Shahrukh Khan has returned to Mumbai to vote in the election. Think he's going back to South Africa to support his team? Nope, according to Khan, he won't be heading back to South Africa unless his team starts winning. I think that might be some encouragement for the Kolkatta Knight Riders. But we want to know what do you think about Shahrukh Khan's latest decision. With the worst record in the IPL, should Shahrukh Khan keep the Kolkota Knight Riders, or should he have sold them, let us know at Desi Hits!
source : http://www.desihits.com/
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